Becoming a TRP Certified Trainer is all about taking
ownership of ourselves, and everything that goes with that.
Imagine having the ability and motivation to:
Direct emotions into creative activity
Harness the power of thought
Make bold decisions that are based on character,
not emotional reactions,So YOU can become the best version of yourself.
"This course has helped me look at life through a different lens, I never realized how many opportunities we have every day to practice and build our awareness."
Graciela B
"Often, after facilitating a session, I will have folks waiting for me after the presentation to talk about how impactful they found the material."
Christopher W.
“To me, being able to deliver TRP training to our associates and partners across our business has been absolutely transformational. We give people the freedom to succeed and to be happy.”
Isabel R.
"As a certified TRP Trainer, I have the privilege of helping others experience profound moments of awareness and welcome change. This has changed my life as well!"
Susan R
About TRP Train-the-Trainer (T3)
Hundreds of individuals in some of the world’s most admired companies are certified TRP trainers. TRP Enterprises runs multiple “train-the-trainer” cohorts every year, and several “on-site” T3 certification courses for our clients. Certified TRP trainers go through a rigorous process that equips them to use the power of example, storytelling, and modern facilitation techniques to deliver TRP training throughout their organization. Once certified, those trainers or facilitators become champions for the business of a positive workplace culture and demonstrate what it means to show up as a Totally Responsible Person. They set an example not just by their teaching, but with their very presence.
What qualities make a great facilitator?
Individuals who are passionate about organizational talent and equipping others with the tools to succeed. Facilitators should have some basic understanding of adult learning theory, some experience with public speaking or facilitation is preferred, and leadership or management experience is a plus. Primarily, facilitators need to be willing to lead by example and demonstrate the tenets of what it means to be a Totally Responsible Person in their own lives. The best facilitators and trainers of the TRP program are those who talk the talk and walk the walk!
Alisa’s experience.
Over 3 years ago I was privileged to attend my first Totally Responsible Person leadership and resiliency workshop.
It changed my perspective—and my life—as it launched me into a large research project on the skills introduced in this workshop for accountability, decision-making, and compassion. Today I’m happy to announce that I am officially certified as a TRP Trainer.
I can’t wait to share these skills inside my organization to help my colleagues stay positive, productive, and effective, no matter the circumstances.
Thank you to my leaders and my company for this development opportunity, and to TRP Enterprises, Inc. and Daniel Lobb, CPTD for the amazing training program.
Alisa B
TRP Trainer
Are you ready to be considered for TRP Train-the-Trainer (T3)
We recommend that organizations have a group of certified trainers in house. They can co-facilitate when needed, add bench strength to your team, enhance one another’s delivery style and techniques, and work as a unit to support the post-training application of TRP in the organization. They can coach, follow-up, and lead strategies that ensure the training is used and applied in the business for ongoing success!
In-house certified TRP trainers can cost-effectively scale the TRP training program throughout the business, building a groundswell of support for a positive workplace culture. They effectively became stewards for key aspects of that culture and help others express their very best by the instructing they do in the classroom, and the ongoing support they give as they model the positive behaviors that TRP training exemplifies.
Certified trainers have three years to deliver the program with no restrictions on participant size, after which time re-certification is requested to maintain currency and receive updates on the constantly evolving material.
Certified trainers receive a comprehensive Totally Responsible Person Instructor Guide (IG), a Totally Responsible Person Participant’s Workbook (PW), a complete PowerPoint deck, supplemental PowerPoint decks for follow-up activities, customized case study and role play documents, suggested outlines and templates.
Most importantly, trainers received unlimited support from TRP Enterprises staff with coaching, guidance, and thought partnership to help ensure their training delivery is aligned with business strategy.
Certified trainers agree that for every individual they train, they purchase a Participant Workbook (print or digital) from TRP Enterprises, Inc., at rates set from time to time by TRP. The current rate is $42, plus applicable sales tax.
The current rate for certification is $3000 per trainer. Re-certification is required every 3 years and is half the original cost.
The certification process is delivered in two parts, over a period of 2-4 days, depending on the format and size.
Part one includes the trainer-to-be-trained participating in an “open-enrollment” TRP workshop with other individuals and trainers. This is typically a six-hour workshop.
Part two is an additional 6-10 hours (depending on cohort size), with trainers only. Part two is a very comprehensive dive into the instructor materials with teach-back opportunities, story development, and evaluation of the trainers comprehension of key instructional points from the training program.
If you are interested in pursuing a Totally Responsible Person Certification, we welcome you to this profound experience for trainers, their colleagues, and session attendees.
As a TRP Trainer, we consider you part of our TRP family! You’ll have a support system of cohorts who are there for you whenever you need them.
the first step in the application process is to have a conversation with TRP’s creator Daniel Lobb, so that you’ll have every questions answered personally before you fully commit.
Your conversation should take about 30 minutes. When you cliick the button below, you’ll see Daniel’s meeting calendar and can book a time that is convenient for both of you.
Additional details:
Hundreds of individuals in some of the world’s most admired companies are certified TRP trainers.